Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Configure Voice Message, IM & Presence

  •  Marks: 10+5+
  • Name of student: Subhendu Pal
  • Faculty Name: Priya Sawant
  • Roll No: JK-ENR-SW-1503
  • Date: 29-2-2018
  • Session Name: Configure Voice Message, IM & Presence

Cisco Unity Connection (CUC)
Full featured voice-messaging, auto-attendant and 
  • voice-recognition system
  • CUC supports up to 20,000 mailboxes.

There are Four ways to add Users in CUC

1) Adding Users Manually:- 
ChooseUsers> Users> click the Add new button
Fill appropriate fields
Click Save button
After the user is successfully created, Edit menu appears.
The Edit menu enables the administrator to change password, roles, message settings, notification devices.

2) Importing Users via AXL from CUCM:- Users can be synced with end users that are already configured on CUCM system using Administrative XML (AXL)

3) Importing Users with LDAP:- 
Open webpage of CUCM and enter the application username and password.

  • Make sure that the  Cisco Drysyne service is activated.
  • Tools> service Activation> chack the box next to Cisco DriSync> click the save button.
  • Select Cisco unity connection Administrator > check the go button >system setting >LDAP > LDAP satup.
  • Chack the box for enable synchronizing from LDAP service, and click the save button.

4) Creating User Accounts using BAT:- Cisco Unity Connection provides the Bulk Administration Tool that allows you to create, update, and delete multiple user accounts or contacts at the same time by importing information contained in a comma separated value (CSV) file. In addition, it allows you to export information about users or contacts from Cisco Unity Connection.

Cisco Unified IM & Presence
It provides Enterprise instant message & network based presence 

1) Cisco Jabber platform:- Users can initiate voice calls through desktop or in softphone mode, contacts are presence status providing click to communicate, has a very simple user friendly interface.
2) Cisco WebEx Social:- Combines the power of social networking, content creation, Meetings & Real time communication.
3) Cisco Jabber SDK:- Application developers, customers and partners alike can take advantage of this powerful SDK to incorporate voice, video, Instant messaging, presence and conferencing capabilities.

  1. Explain of Jabber SDK
  2. Explain features of CUCM
  3. What is Cisco WebEx Social

Monday, 26 February 2018

Remote Connectivity

  •  Marks: 10+5+3+1+1
  • Name of student: Subhendu Pal
  • Faculty Name: Priya Sawant
  • Roll No: JK-ENR-SW-1503
  • Date: 27-2-2018 
  • Session Name: Components of Cisco Unified Communications

Configuration Cisco IP phones using the software:-
  • GNS
  • IOS (router)
  • Cisco configuration professional
  • Vmware 
  • Cisco IP Communicator
Give IPs to Fast Ethernet & Serial Interface on both the Routers (Eg. R1 & R2)

Also, Configure RIP on both routers.


R1#clock set 12:57 27 FEB 2018

R1(config) Telephony-service
R1(config) Max-dn 10
R1(config) Max-ephones 10
R1(config) ip source-address 
R1(config) (Type the ip address of routers fast ethernet)
R1(config) create cnf-files
R1(config) do write
R1(config) exit
R1(config) username admin privilege 15 secret admin
R1(config) exit
R1# wr
R1(config) ip http server
R1(config) ip http secure-server
R1(config) ip http authentication local

(Note:- Same steps apply for R2 ie Router 2)

  1. Right-click on Cisco configuration professional software
  2. Run as Administrator
  3. Click on cancel
  4. Type IP address of router 1 then username & password (R1)
  5. Type IP address of router 2 then username & password (R2)
  6. Click OK
  7. Click on Discover
  8. Click on Configure
  9. Expand Unified Communications
  10. Select Unified Communications features
  11. Click on edit
  12. Select IP telephony
  13. Select CUCME then click OK & then Discover
  14. Expand users phones & extensions
  15. Select Extensions
  16. Select Create
  17. Type in Primary number column "1001"
  18. Type in description "Test 1"
  19. Then OK & deliver
  20. Select phones & users
  21. Select Create
  22. In phone model select "IP communicator"
  23. Run as Administrator
  24. Click on Menu
  25. Select preferences
  26. Select Network tab
  27. In Device name copy MAC address
  28. Select "use this tftp server"
  29. In tftp server one type R1 fast ethernet IP addres)
  30. Copy the MAC address of Cisco IP communicator
  31. Then click OK 
  32. Open internet explorer
  33. In MAC address column paste the MAC address of IP phone
  34. Select Extension & Add
  35. Click OK, Yes & deliver
  36. Expand dial plans
  37. Select VoIP & click on create
  38. In "dail peer number" type 6
  39. In remote site type the R2 serial interface IP address
  40. In "destination number" type 2...
  41. Click OK & deliver
(Note:- Same steps apply for R2 ie Router 2)

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Cisco Unified Communication Manager

  •  Marks: 10+5+3+3
  • Name of student: Subhendu Pal
  • Faculty Name: Priya Sawant
  • Roll No: JK-ENR-SW-1503
  • Date: 21-2-2018 
  • Session Name: Cisco Unified Communication Manager
Cisco Unified Communication Manager
Provides services like:-
Voice, video
Web conferencing
CUCM features:-
Low cost
Supports up to 40000 users & can extend up to 80000 users
CUCM has two types of users:-
End users
Application Users

Configer of IP phone:-
End Points registration in CME
Auto registration (requires SCCP or SIP)
Required Files for IP Phones:-
Phone model dictionary.xml
Phone model-tones.xml
  1. What is SCCP & SIP
  2. Steps to add New user in CME
  3. Steps to add new phone to CME
  4. What are the required files for IP phones

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Cisco IP phone

  •  Marks: 10+5+1+1
  • Name of student: Subhendu Pal
  • Faculty Name: Priya Sawant
  • Roll No: JK-ENR-SW-1503
  • Date: 19-2-2018 
  • Session Name: Components of Cisco Unified Communications
Cisco IP phones:-
Cisco IP Communicator provides personal computers with the functionality of IP phones.
Microsoft Windows-based application provides high-quality voice calls.
It has functionality of a full-featured Cisco Unified IP phone:-
Transfer calls.
Forward calls.
Conference additional participants to an existing call.

Cisco Unified IP phone:-
Cisco Unified SIP phone 3911
Cisco Unified SIP phone 7940G
Cisco Unified wireless phone 7925G

Cisco Unified Personal Communicator:-
It provides access to a variety of communications tools:-
Web Conferencing
Call management


Cisco Unified Mobility features
State the Characteristics of CUCS
State the features of Cisco IP phones

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Components of Cisco Unified Communications

  •  Marks: 10+5+3
  • Name of student: Subhendu Pal
  • Faculty Name: Priya Sawant
  • Roll No: JK-ENR-SW-1503
  • Date: 14-2-2018 
  • Session Name: Components of Cisco Unified Communications
Components of Cisco Unified Communications

  • Cisco Integrated Service Router (Cisco ISR routers)

Features of Cisco ISR routers:- 

  1. Supports VoIP endpoints
  2. Conference calling
  3. video telephony
  4. Automatic call distribution(ACD)
  5. CME supports up to 450 IP phones
  6. Cisco Unified Communication Manager (CUCM) 
CUCM features & capabilities:-
  1. Media processing
  2. VoIP gateways
  3. Unified messaging
  4. Multimedia conferencing 
  5. Collaborative contact centers
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express:-
  1. Its an entry level call processing system.
  2. It provides a wide range of IP telephony features for small to medium-sized business.
  3. It supports up to 240 phones.

Cisco Unified Computing system (UCS) is an architecture that integrates:-
  1. Computing resources.
  2. Network-based storage.
  3. Virtualization into a single highly available system.

  • What are features Cisco ISR
  • What is the VOIP
  • What are features Cisco UCM

Monday, 12 February 2018

Network Address Translation (NAT)

  • Marks:- 10+5+5
  • Name of student: Subhendu Pal
  • Faculty Name: Priya Sawant 
  • Roll No: 1503
  • Date: 12-02-2018
  • Session Name: IP Services

  • Network Address Translation (NAT) is the process where a network device, usually a firewall, assigns a public address to a computer (or group of computers) inside a private network. The main use of NAT is to limit the number of public IP addresses an organization or company must use, for both economy and security purposes.

    1) Static NAT (Network Address Translation) - Static NAT (Network Address Translation) is one-to-one mapping of a private IP address to a public IP address. Static NAT (Network Address Translation) is useful when a network device inside a private network needs to be accessible from internet.

    2) Dynamic NAT:- can be defined as mapping of a private IP address to a public IP address from a group of public IP addresses called as NAT pool. Dynamic NAT establishes a one-to-one mapping between a private IP address to a public IP address. Here the public IP address is taken from the pool of IP addresses configured on the end NAT router. The public to private mapping may vary based on the available public IP address in NAT pool.

    3) PAT (Port Address Translation) - Port Address Translation (PAT) is another type of dynamic NAT which can map multiple private IP address to a single public IP address technology known as Port Address Translation.

    • What are the types of NAT
    • Which is the most preferable NAT?
    • Different between Static, Dynamic, PAT NAT

    Sunday, 11 February 2018

    Simple Past Tenses

  • Marks:- 10+5+5
  • Name of student: Subhendu Pal
  • Faculty Name:  Suchitra Bhatt
  • Roll No: 1503
  • Date: 10-02-2018
  • Session Name: Simple Past Tenses

  • Simple Past Tenses:-

    With most verbs the past tense is formed by adding -ed:
    call >> called; like >> liked; want >> wanted; work >> worked
    But there are a lot of irregular past tenses in English.
    We use the past tense to talk about:
    • something that happened once in the past:
    met my wife in 1983.
    We went to Spain for our holidays.
    They got home very late last night.
    • something that happened again and again in the past:
    When I was a boy I walked a mile to school every day.
    We swam a lot while we were on holiday.
    They always enjoyed visiting their friends.
    • something that was true for some time in the past:
    lived abroad for ten years.
    He enjoyed being a student.
    She played a lot of tennis when she was younger.
    • we often use phrases with ago with the past tense:
    met my wife a long time ago.
    Questions and negative:-
    We use did to make questions with the past tense:
    When did you meet your wife?
    Where did you go for your holidays?
    Did she play tennis when she was younger?
    Did you live abroad?

    Fill in the blank using was/ware.

    1. I was in Canberra last spring.
    2.  We ware at school last Saturday.
    3. He was happy.

    Thursday, 8 February 2018

    Static NAT

  • Marks:- 10+5
  • Name of student: Subhendu Pal
  • Faculty Name: Priya Sawant 
  • Roll No: 1503
  • Date: 09-02-2018
  • Session Name: IP Services

  • Network Address Translation (NAT) is the process where a network device, usually a firewall, assigns a public address to a computer (or group of computers) inside a private network. The main use of NAT is to limit the number of public IP addresses an organization or company must use, for both economy and security purposes.
    The most common form of network translation involves a large private network using addresses in a private range ( to, to, or 192.168.0 0 to The private addressing scheme works well for computers that only have to access resources inside the network, like workstations needing access to file servers and printers. Routers inside the private network can route traffic between private addresses with no trouble. However, to access resources outside the network, like the Internet, these computers have to have a public address in order for responses to their requests to return to them. This is where NAT comes into play.
    Type of NAT:-
    1) Static NAT--With this type of NAT, a NAT router maintains a table that associates each internal IP address with a corresponding external allocated (i.e., registered) Internet IP address. With static NAT, you must register an IP address for every machine that connects to the Internet. This approach isn't used very often because it doesn't save on registering IP addresses. However, static NAT can be useful for making devices accessible from the Internet--the external IP address will always point to the internal address stored on the NAT router.

    1) What is NAT
    2) Types of NAT

    3) On which Cisco routing hardware is Cisco IOS NAT available? How can the hardware be ordered?

    Tuesday, 6 February 2018

    Extended Access lists 

  • Marks:- 10+5
  • Name of student: Subhendu Pal
  • Faculty Name: Priya Sawant 
  • Roll No: 1503
  • Date: 07-02-2018
  • Session Name: IP Services

  • Access control list (ACL)

    ACL is a list of conditions that are used  to filter packets they are helpful in managing  
    traffic in a network. it defines all the permissions attached to an object in the network
    it specifies which users or system processes are granted access to object as well as what

    Terms Used in Access control:-

    • Object:- A device that contains or receives information. Access to this device possible ibfers access to the data it contains.
    Ex, Server

    • Subject:- An active device generally in the forme of a person, Process,or system that leads to information flow between object.
    Ex, Users

    • Operation:- An active process stimulated by a subject.
    Ex, Users send information to servers

    • Permission:- An approved to execute some action on the system. In most computer security literature, permission denotes some arrangement of object and operation.
    Ex, Data access permission for Users.

    • Access control matrix:- A MATRIX in which each row denotes a subject, each column denotes an object, and each record is the set of access rights for that subject to that object.
    • Separation of Duty:- The norm that no user should be given abundant privileges such that they might misuse that system.
    Ex, the rules for authorised and unauthorised users.

    • Safety:- Arrangements in place to ensure that the access control confirmation.
    Ex, access control mechanisn or model.
    • Inbound:- If the access list is inbound, when a packed is delivered to the Router, the Cisco ISO check the standards statements of the access list for a match. If the packet is permissible, the software continues processing the packet. If the packet is denied, the software discards the packet.
    • Outbound:-  If the access list is outbound, when the software receives and Router a packet to the departing interface, the Cisco ISO check the standards statements of the access list for a match. If the packet is permissible, the Cisco ISO transmits the packet. If the packet is denied, the software permissible discards the packet

    Extended Access lists :– with extended access lists, you can be more precise in your filtering. You can evaluate source and destination IP addresses, type of layer 3 protocol, source and destination port… Extended access lists are harder to configure and require more processor time than the standard access lists, but they allow a much more granular level of control.
    To demonstrate the concept, we will use the following example.
    extended acl example
    We have used the standard access list to prevent all users to access server S1. But, with that configuration, we have also disable access to S2! To be more specific, we can use extended access lists. Let’s say that we need to prevent users from accessing server S1. We could place an extended access list on R1 to prevent users from accessing S1. That way, no other traffic is forbidden, and users can still access the other server, S2:
    extended acl example 2

    • What is Extended Access Control list
    • What is ACLe use for serve

    Standard Access Control List

  • Marks:- 10+5
  • Name of student: Subhendu Pal
  • Faculty Name: Priya Sawant 
  • Roll No: 1503
  • Date: 05-02-2018
  • Session Name: IP Services

  • Access control list (ACL)

    ACL is a list of conditions that are used  to filter packets they are helpful in managing  

    traffic in a network. it defines all the permissions attached to an object in the network

    it specifies which users or system processes are granted access to object as well as what

    Terms Used in Access control:-

    • Object:- A device that contains or receives information. Access to this device possible ibfers access to the data it contains.

    Ex, Server

    • Subject:- An active device generally in the forme of a person, Process,or system that leads to information flow between object.

    Ex, Users

    • Operation:- An active process stimulated by a subject.

    Ex, Users send information to servers

    • Permission:- An approved to execute some action on the system. In most computer security literature, permission denotes some arrangement of object and operation.

    Ex, Data access permission for Users.

    • Access control matrix:- A MATRIX in which each row denotes a subject, each column denotes an object, and each record is the set of access rights for that subject to that object.
    • Separation of Duty:- The norm that no user should be given abundant privileges such that they might misuse that system.

    Ex, the rules for authorised and unauthorised users.

    • Safety:- Arrangements in place to ensure that the access control confirmation.

    Ex, access control mechanisn or model.

    • Inbound:- If the access list is inbound, when a packed is delivered to the Router, the Cisco ISO check the standards statements of the access list for a match. If the packet is permissible, the software continues processing the packet. If the packet is denied, the software discards the packet.
    • Outbound:-  If the access list is outbound, when the software receives and Router a packet to the departing interface, the Cisco ISO check the standards statements of the access list for a match. If the packet is permissible, the Cisco ISO transmits the packet. If the packet is denied, the software permissible discards the packet

    Standard access lists – with standard access lists, you can filter only on the source IP address of a packet. These types of access list are not as powerful as extended access lists, but they are less processor intensive for the router.
    The following example describes the way in which standard access lists can be used.
    acl example
    Let’s say that server S1 holds some important documents that need to be available only to company’s management. We could configure an access list on R1 to enable access to S1 only to users from the management network. All other traffic going to S1 will be blocked. This way, we can ensure that only authorized user can access sensitive files on S1.
    1. Explain Access  control Matrix
    2. Explain ACL