Thursday, 11 January 2018

Leyar 3 Switch

  • Marks:- 10+10+3
  • Name of student: Subhendu Pal
  • Faculty Name: Priya Sawant 
  • Roll No: 1503
  • Date: 11-1-2018
  • Session Name: Layer-3 Switching/ STP/ STP Port States

  • Layer 3 Switch:-A network switch is a multiport network bridge that uses hardware addresses to process and forward data at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model. Some switches can also process data at the network layer (layer 3) by additionally incorporating routing functionality. Such switches are commonly known as layer-3 switches or multilayer switches.

    STP:-Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is a network protocol designed to prevent layer 2 loops. It is standardized as IEEE 802.D protocol. STP blocks some ports on switches with redundant links to prevent broadcast storms and ensure loop-free topology. With STP in place, you can have redundant links between switches to provide redundancy
    Switching loops create 3 :-
    Broadcast storms:- A broadcast storm occurs when a switch is overwhelmed by continuous broadcast traffic.
    MAC table Instability:- Instability of the MAC table causes a single MAC address to reach multiple ports, wherein, the switch is constantly updating the MAC unstable.
    Duplicate Frames:- If multiple paths have the same destination MAC address, there is a greater possibility that the frame could be duplicated and sent to multiple paths which create a switch loop


     SW2 sends a broadcast frame to SW1 and SW3. Both switches receive the frame and forward the frame out every port, except the port the frame was received at. So, SW1 sends the frame to SW3. SW3 receives the frame, and sends the frame back to SW2! SW2 then agains forwards the frames to SW1! The same thing also happens in the opposite direction. Without STP in place, these frames would loop forever. STP prevents loops by placing one of the switch ports into blocking state. So, our toplogy above could look like this:
     In the topology above, STP has placed one of the SW3 ports into blocking state. That way, SW3 will receive a broadcast frame only from SW1, and it will not forward that frame out ports connected to SW1 and SW2, because one port is blocked by STP, and another port was the port the frame was received on.


    • Explain Layer3 switching
    • What is Spanning Tree Protocol
    • Type of STP port states

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